The Aspergian (It's a Spectrum....) article
The Incredible 5 Point Scale and Anxiety Curve
An Evidence Based Guide to Anxiety in Autism - University of London
Asperger's and Girls: Attwood, T. Grandin, T
Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew: Notbohm, E
Caring for a Child with Autism: Ives, M & Munro, N
Friendships The Aspie Way: Lawson, W
Living Independently on the Autism Spectrum: Soraya, L
Autistic Thinking - This is the title: Vermeulen, P
Aspergirls: Simone, R
Talking Autism - Parenting your unique child: Hatton, V
Grace under Pressure - Going the distance as an Aspergers Mum: Walker, S
Asperger's in Pink: Clark, J
What did you say? What do you mean?: Welton, J ; Telford, J
My Autism Book: Dura-Vial, G & Levi, T
Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Adults: Dr Luke Beardon
Women and Girls With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Hendrickx, S
Pretending to be Normal: Willey, LH
Life Behind Glass: A Personal Account of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Lawson, W
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A user’s guide to adolescence: Jackson, L.
The Reason I Jump: Higashida, N.
Can I Tell You About Autism? A guide for friends and family: Welton, J; Telford, J
Can I Tell You About PDA? A guide for friends and family: Fidler, R; Christie, P
The Incredible 5 Point Scale: Dunn Buron, K; Curtis, M
Managing The Cycle of Meltdowns for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Colvin, G; Sheehan, M.R.
The New Social Story Book: Gray, C
Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome in Children: Christie, P; Duncan, M; Fidler, R; Healy, Z
S.E.N.D. in the Clowns: Suzy Rowland (2020)
The Good Guide to Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum: Purkins, J; Goodall. G; Nugent, J. (2016)
Useful Documents:
Children and Families Act 2014 (Part 3 SEN)
Cumbria SEND Handbook and Criteria
Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Pupils
Employing people: workplace adjustments (Equality & Human Rights Commission)